This is the first Sri Lanka specific on-line repository on Trafficking and Migration. Our aim is to give comprehensive information in an impartial setting and to promote increased awareness of human trafficking in the process of migration. This is designed for use by practitioners, policy makers, researchers, students or anyone interested in contributing towards combating trafficking.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Rescue of abducted child in Sri Lanka points to a possible child trafficking
Tue, May 11, 2010, 10:12 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

May 11, Colombo: The rescue of a two-year old toddler who was abducted on Sunday at the Kelaniya Temple today by police points to a possible racket of child trafficking, the police say.

The toddler, Senuthi Limansa Maapalagama was with her eight-year-old sister attending a religious ritual when she went missing. The police launched an island wide search to rescue the child.

The child was found unharmed in a house in Marawila today. The police said the appearance of the child has been altered however, by the kidnappers.

According to the International Organization of Migration (IOM) Sri Lanka has become an increasingly popular country for human traffickers in recent years.